Laura Janay
Jul 31, 20224 min read
Nature’s Secret Anti-Aging Tool
The aging process that your skin goes through is largely caused by environmental damage, rather than by your chronological age, combined...

Laura Janay
Jul 10, 20224 min read
SABRINA Collagen Rx Plus is A Must Have for Makeup Artists
I caught up with Jessica Marie Winchell, owner of J. Marie Professional Makeup Artistry, around 11:30 on a Wednesday morning in mid-July....

Laura Janay
Jun 23, 20224 min read
What We Can Learn About Beauty From Wound Care
When was the last time you treated a wound, or had one treated? Was it from an accident, or from a surgery? Was it major or minor? Did it...

Laura Janay
Jun 21, 20224 min read
Help for Your Big Pores is Here!
Whether you have just a single big pore that stubbornly sits on your face, several that pock it, or a whole mess of them that frustrate...

Laura Janay
Jun 21, 20223 min read
The Best Way to Get Collagen Where You Need it Most
Collagen is to your skin like a canvas is to a painting. It gives you the structure to define your look. Without it you fade, with it you...

Laura Janay
Jun 20, 20223 min read
Correct Use of Anti-Aging Creams
Is there really a right and a wrong way to use anti-aging creams? You might be surprised to find out that there are things you can do...

Laura Janay
Jun 11, 20224 min read
Want to Stay Looking Young? Take These Steps
https://www.sabrina-beauty.com/product-page/collagen-rx-plus-antiaging-face-cream There is more than one good reason to stay looking...

Laura Janay
Jun 11, 20223 min read
Rebuilding Collagen to Look Younger
How is your collagen level? That is probably not a question you have been asked very often. However, maybe it is something to start...

Laura Janay
Jun 11, 20223 min read
Swiss Green Apples: The Fountain of Youth
Throughout human history men and women have sought after the mythical Fountain of Youth. This is a supposed source of water that, when...

Laura Janay
Jun 5, 20226 min read
5 Tips for Smoothing Wrinkles
Do you have fine lines around your mouth and eyes and expression lines in your forehead? Did they seem to appear overnight? Or did they...

Laura Janay
Jun 2, 20223 min read
Why Your Skin Sags as it Ages and The #1 Way to Stop the Sag
Have you wondered why your skin sags as it ages and what is the best way to stop the sag? Gravity holds you on the earth and keeps you...

Laura Janay
May 10, 20223 min read
Free Radicals vs Antioxidants: The Internal Battle Over Your Skin That You Can Win
Even though free radicals sound kind of cool they are actually pretty damaging to you. These unstable atoms (think back to your chemistry...

Laura Janay
Mar 5, 20203 min read
When Should I Start Using Anti-Aging Cream
Many people in their 20s and 30s are hyperconscious about the appearance of their skin, and invested in making sure that they do not...